Harry Potter's Dan Radcliffe in EQUUS

Press Pics of Harry Potter All Growed Up
Why can't kids stay kids!
Labels: Acting, Harry Potter, Theatre
Scholar, Writer, Mother, Dreamer. Editor of Luminarium, an online library for English Literature of the Middle Ages and Renaissance.
Labels: Acting, Harry Potter, Theatre
I think it's not D.R. being a grown-up that is disturbing, it's the play called Equus that is disturbing. That is plain sick.
What I don't like that how can D.R. can get involved into a sick thing like that after playing good ol' Harry.
Equus is such a famous play, and traditionally very good for receiving awards for the actors. I do understand why he's doing it - he wants to make sure that when the HP Franchise is done, he will be seen as an adult actor, and a potential leading man - he can shed a goody-goody child actor image. Also, I think the role affords an amazing acting challenge, something that is extremely intriguing and attractive to all actors. It'll stretch him, which is a fascinating process. Plus, it is the West End - I don't know many actors in their right minds who, if offered their first chance to be on a West End stage, would say 'no.'
This is not to say I like the play, or like to think of him in it. I'm just saying if I were him, I would do it too.
I understand your reasoning. at the same time I would probably turn down an offer like this. If I were an actor, that is to say. I think the actors absorbs too much from the role - that is just how I assume the things are, but tell me how is it going with real actors? Are you not become that person you play? When playing a certain role, can you separate yourself from the role OR are you become the role for the time you're playing it?
Does it worth another entry?
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I do know what you're saying. There are roles which really tear you apart inside. I remember doing "The Memory of Water" where I played a character who in the course of the play lost her mother, her child, the hope of ever having a child, and the man she loves, all in the course of 2 hrs. Every night I'd drive home (dangerously), crying for 45 minutes. It was quite awful. It's not exactly that you become that person, but you do experience that person's emotions, and sometimes have to go to very dark or sad places. So yes, from that aspect, it is much better for the soul to do lighter, happier fare. Because during the run of a play, for months sometimes, you have to carry this thing inside you, and I don't know that I could do Equus 8 times a week for months. But DR perhaps has to learn it for himself - I don't think he's ever experienced anything like this role before.
Thanks for the answer - I was expecting sg similar and I was afraid of asking sg you've always been asked, I thought I was boring to ask the same question for the zillionth time in your life....
And yes, I think I would be afraid of 'carrying' a dark role within me for weeks, months, or even years...
But one can not be always on the happy side, can he?
Whoo-hoo. Thanks Vik for the rant. I kept that for myself, but now you've said it for myself.
That's why I did not asked Anniina about the play itself, and began talking about the experience of an actor when playing dreadful persons.
Thanks Vik again and thank you Anniina for the space to debate :)
Wow. Vik's first comment on my blog. You're right that I would not blog about a play in which someone tortured dogs in any other light than your mad rant. I stopped watching the TV show "Medium" after an episode in which a human monster tortured a dog. I even wrote to NBC and castigated them for it.
I'm not saying "go see this play" - all I was saying (originally) was "see what little Harry Potter is up to." I'm not saying "let's all go out and torture animals." I agree with you that anyone who tortures or violates an animal or child should be instantly exterminated, no questions asked, their right to exist revoked.
Dude, I see your point, but it's actually a very smart career move. If I were his agent, I'd have told him to do it.
At least we all thre agree that animals should not be tortured in any way. OK. We might as well be friends.
Such plays like Equus should not be allowed to air in the first place - but that's just probably me.
What I'm saying is that paying a role of a monster like that, the actor itself might get also hurt. It's like playing with the devil. You allow yourself to get contaminated with it.
How is it?
I am not an actor, but I consider myself a person with sharp senses, a sensitive one. I would not play this role. I would afraid of getting involved with it. Money or fame does not make up for the potential loss it may cause WITHIN me. To me.
I wouldn't play this role personally, because I could not handle it. Would not want to handle it. But I can see why he would want to tackle it.
It's like the nazi Ralph Fiennes played in "Schindler's List" - I asked him how he dealt with playing a 'human monster'. He turned his baby blues on me and said "Didn't you know, I am a monster", and then he laughed. Of course he did not mean he was a monster, but that we all have the capacity within us for darkness.
But yes, I wouldn't want to play that role either.
I think there are a lot of actors who don't possess/get possessed by a character to such a degree - somehow they're able to disconnect and protect themselves. For me, the borders blur to such a point that I-am-she-is-I... I would be very wary of whom I would allow to cohabitate within me, so yes I know what you are saying SF :)
One of these days I want to write about what it was like to play Lady Macbeth. It was a strange experience. But I'm not ready to write of it yet.
I don't think so. He's going to show them he's got chops, win an Olivier award (you heard it here first, watch my words, come next year) then finish his HP series, go to college and have a life for a few years. At least I hope so. All actors need to have a life, or they don't have any place within them from whence to act.
Folks, heh, I'm trying to go to sleep here, but this conversation is too engaging to pass up.
It's 10 am here so I'm not heading to bed as I'm awake, but I'm writing this instead of working....
I'm all eager to read that thing on playing Lady Macbeth, A.
Who cares about Daniel Radcliffe? I want to know who that girl in the fetching black panties is... :)
Heh, she is pretty for sure.
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