Little Known Facts, continued
Thanksgiving was a busy day and evening of visiting an extended family of friends — entirely too much food and coffee, great conversations, and a mid-afternoon nap: priceless. Hope everyone had a good holiday.
To continue with the "Meme of 100," here are some more little-known facts about Yours, Truly:
LKF #2: In first grade I played a bunny-rabbit in the school play. In fifth grade, I won a ballet scholarship of excellence for playing a tree in a magical forest. In sixth grade, I played "The Sausage Princess" in a play called "Lintu Sininen," which translates to "The Blue Bird" — I was padded up with pillows under my costume, and had to pretend
to eat a long string of sausages, which were actually stuffed, painted stocking. I can still remember what the paint tasted like, if I close my eyes, but it was for effect and to great acclaim, so the actor in me loved every second.
LKF #3: In Fifth and Sixth grades I also danced the part of Romeo in our version of the ballet "Romeo and Juliet" — I was the tallest, and we didn't have any boys. To this day I regret never having had the chance to be Juliet in either the ballet or play — I can still quote almost all of Romeo's lines.
LKF #4: When my mother asked me who I wanted to invite to my fifth birthday party, I gave her the names of then Finnish president Urho Kekkonen, the two biggest Finnish pop stars, and a few other celebrities. Never occurred to me they wouldn't come, if invited.
More silliness later :)
To continue with the "Meme of 100," here are some more little-known facts about Yours, Truly:

More silliness later :)
I just e-mailed you a picture of smiling Aino wearing my old dress. She is a true retro-chick :)
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