Galactica Returns Tonight

Where's Starbuck? Is she alive? Will Adama nuke the planet?
Will 'Chief' unlock the Eye of Jupiter before the cylons arrive?
16 hrs folks, 16 hrs.
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Scholar, Writer, Mother, Dreamer. Editor of Luminarium, an online library for English Literature of the Middle Ages and Renaissance.
Labels: TV
another thing i really need to see sometime...
Well, if you rent the first season, just be warned that I thought the first 8 episodes were like DEATH, the director was so SLOW. From episode 9 onwards it gets good. Then, they take a dip at the very beginning of season 2, but get back on track. Did you watch 'Firefly' yet? See that is so TOTALLY your show, I can't believe you haven't seen it yet.
I've seen serenity! i was more referring to the Battlestar Galactica movie(s?). Not having cable/sat tv makes it rather difficult to watch tv, though watching tv is a bit lower on my priority list. (I know, i'm not doing my part to keep actors in business...)
No no no, "Firefly" the TV series - you're only part way in my good graces for watching the movie - now you need to watch the show. *waves her imperial sceptre*
well, unfortunately, i can't buy it, and haven't noticed it available on the rare occasions when i happen to stop in a movie rental store.
Grrr, I think your blog ate my comment about BSG. Suffice to say, me likey. I jsut watched all of it at FLT speed when I had a few sayd of no temp work. Now I'm stuck waiting for episodes like everyone else, grrrr.
Me likey Doc Cottle, Tyrol (when he isn't being blindly devoted and stupid because his penis is in the driver's seat), Laura Roslyn. Me HATEEEEEEEE Ellen Tigh. Me little likey Colnel Tigh. I find Gaius hilarious when I'm not being ANGRY at him. :)
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