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Scholar, Writer, Mother, Dreamer. Editor of Luminarium, an online library for English Literature of the Middle Ages and Renaissance.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Worst Personal Ads Ever

LOL, ran into this thing on the worst personal ads ever written.

Some samples:

Bitter, disillusioned SM seeks decent, honest, reliable woman, if such a thing still exists in this cruel world of hatchet-faced witches.

I am a bottle of alcohol. Some people use me; others abuse me. That's the story of my life. Tell me yours.

Patriarch of up-and-coming religion seeks altar girl.

Okay, so most likely these aren't real posts, but they are still worth a few chuckles.

The Worst Personal Ads Ever Placed


Blogger Mophia said...

Silly male Hume seeks hot Elvaan female for many huggles and kissez.

I saw that personal ad the other night... i wonder where :D

April 21, 2006 6:49 PM  

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