Dump Cupid - Pole Dancing Will Never Be the Same
Herbal Essences has a website going, named Dump Cupid. There, you can sign up to win a $25,000 shopping spree, do a silly lucky numbers game, and watch cupid videos. The "Pole Dance" video is funny, à la "funny strange" — and I don't recommend it if you've just eaten. I was hoping for a game where you could pound Cupid on the head with a mallet, but maybe they're saving that for next year.

somebody should shut this guy... :)
Here's something else to play with for the coming holiday. 3D talking avatars for Valentine's Day e-cards http://www.gizmoz.com/ecards/valentine
I have this sudden vision of "Whack a Cupid" replacing "Whack a Mole" at Chuck E Cheese. And this is a vision that makes me smile.
*hehhee* I have to copy his moves :) Next time Kata has a metal-disco...
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