Famous First Lines - Quiz on Books & Literature

It's geared towards the English-speaking reader, so don't feel bad if English is not your first language - you probably didn't have to read most of these books in school (which helps - some of them I probably wouldn't have read otherwise myself!). Oh, and my final comments may be gruff - I couldn't gauge.
Okay, so now that I've basically told you not to take it, please do. You don't have to tell anyone your results :)
Here is the American Book Review list of 100 Best First Lines — some of them seem a bit dubious to me. Let me in the comments about cool first lines that made an impression on you, that weren't included on that list. I'd love to hear them!

Famous First Lines Quiz
Labels: Books, Literature, quizzes
I'm not revealing how ridiculously low I got.
Question#18 'Once upon a time' is well beyond measure. All kids' tales start something like that....
I got 71%. I feel like a moran.
I forget my exact score, but it was okish. But definitely not stellar, but oh well. :)
Yay! Go Madeline!
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